New Collection: A World of Wildlife by Rolf Harris

Artworx Gallery are proud to showcase the stunning collection by Rolf Harris, titled ‘A World of Wildlife’. The collection depicts iconic wild animals in their natural environment, and is a true expression of Rolf’s talent for capturing emotion and depth in this paintings. Although he is often described as an impressionist, Rolf’s compelling wildlife portraits … Continue reading

Rolf Harris – Artist and Entertainer

Ghost Gum and Spinifex by Rolf Harris

The artist and entertainer Rolf Harris has brought out three new signed limited edition prints for his Autumn 2011 release. Each piece signifies a different style Harris is famous for. His ‘The Lion King, Uneasy Truce’ offers the close up glimpse of a powerful and dangerous animal, whilst ‘Ghost Gum and Spinifex’ juxtaposes colour in … Continue reading

Rolf Harris Summer Release 2011

Swan In Morning by Rolf Harris

Rolf Harris is one of the most sought after living artists of our time, his stunning impressionistic paintings are favoured by so many and even after his many years in the public spotlight he is still a down to earth gentleman. Artworx Gallery had the recent pleasure of meeting the artistic legend, and it was … Continue reading

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