Doug Hyde’s New Autumn Collection 2011

Doug Hyde has just released his new collection for Autumn 2011. This release offers something for everyone, ranging from his fun animal action scenes to something that would appeal to a new mum and dad. His work is always painted from a happy place, there is no hidden agenda, and cynical approach to his art. Doug Hyde represents happiness in the art world, making his work accessible and appealing to every audience. Doug’s technique is simple and bold, he wants to make you smile every time you see his work.

Light of my Life by Doug Hyde

Light of my Life by Doug Hyde

“I find inspiration for my painting can strike at any time, whether through my own emotional response to something, or through observing somebody else’s obvious love for another person or animal. Sometimes I will hear a phrase spoken and immediately visualise a picture – I then work around that phrase and use it as a title for the finished piece.”

First one to the Bottom by Doug Hyde

First one to the Bottom by Doug Hyde

“My ideas are generally spontaneous and mood driven, whether that mood was good or bad! Painting like this gives me complete fulfilment: being able to create an entirely individual and personal piece of work, from visualising the idea in my head, sketching it, painting it and finally seeing it completed gives me complete satisfaction.

Blues Brothers by Doug Hyde

Blues Brothers by Doug Hyde

‘Five years ago when I visited the Tate Modern I was looking at a 25 ft original by Mark Rothko and was completely mesmerised. The scale, the use of colour and the simplicity. What power! This experience provided a defining moment in my artistic journey; convincing me that less is more, it sent me down the path of simple, bold imagery painted on a large scale, to create maximum impact.”

Double Trouble by Doug Hyde

Double Trouble by Doug Hyde

“In the past I preferred to use acrylics and watercolours, but over the last few years I have fallen in love with pastels! From the very first time I used pastels I knew that this was the medium that would best be able to achieve the effects I wanted to create – I love the contrast between the soft tones and the hard edges. It gives me much more freedom than any other medium and enables me to use an entirely individual technique. I am able to create the movement I like in a piece of art and the rich boldness of colour. Because I was initially experimenting with the medium, I have developed a very unorthodox style using my fingers and thumbs to create the work, which I find gives me ultimate control.”

What A Catch by Doug Hyde

What A Catch by Doug Hyde

“Whatever I am doing my work is always there, tucked away in the corner of my mind. I am constantly thinking about it, whether it’s the piece I am working on, thinking about the colours I will use or new ideas or new ways to produce my work. Even when I am relaxing it’s always there! It truly is a 24 hour job. But I love it. It’s my passion; it’s my life.”

My World by Doug Hyde

My World by Doug Hyde


Mr Hirst by Doug Hyde

Mr Hirst by Doug Hyde


Mr Smith by Doug Hyde

Mr Smith by Doug Hyde

For more information about Doug Hyde and his work visit

Doug Hyde at Artworx Gallery

Alternatively ring 01543 502971 or email

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